Thursday, October 12, 2006

Something I love about the mornings: waking up.

A lot of times, I don't really feel like waking up. I want to lie in bed and rest for just a few more hours. But I always like it when I get up early - well, almost always. This morning, I like it. I like being able to sit in my warm pajamas, eat some oatmeal, drink some tea, and study. The morning is my favorite time to study. It's so still and quiet, and it's nice to start the morning accomplishing and thinking about things. And yet, sometimes it's really hard to get to that point. Why? It's just a matter of rolling out of bed. Hum. Oh well.

I guess I was just realizing that studying is for morning and working out is for the evening. I much prefer to run around and be active at night.

I have to go to work pretty soon. I've been working at an ice cream shop on bainbridge island. It's cute. It's easy. It's kind of fun too. Although it's painfully boring on cold days like today. Actually, yesterday it was pretty sunny and a lot of people were out walking around, but it was still extremely slow. Someday I'll get a job that I enjoy more - or maybe not really work that much at all. For now, it's okay though.

I'm also getting super-excited about the wedding and starting my life as the wife of Jeremy Ellis. I think I'm way more excited about that than the wedding, and I think that's probably a good thing. haha. Although, I need to start working on things like, finishing my guestlist and getting addresses, picking out the formal attire, etc.

At the moment though, I need to go take a shower and get ready for work.



Keith M. said...

I found ya'lls blog from elyse's pretty cool. I'll be sure to stop by. :D

Kaits said...

You are crazy O sister of mine.

Mom and I saw a pink and white gingham dress at Value village and thought of you. =P

Amber said...

Oh Kaitie, you should have grabbed it for one of the bridesmaid dresses. =P