Saturday, October 14, 2006

Alone in the house on a Saturday again. I'm in pajamas (of course) and I've already watched a movie, finished a book, worked on websites, taken a nap, eaten junk food, and wasted a lot of time.

The phone just rang. It was someone wanting to do a survey. Normally I don't really want to do them, but it wasn't like I had something better to do, so I let a lady with a foreign accent ask me questions about what radio station I listen to.

I probably messed up the results of her survey. "What station do you listen to most often?" "KCMS." "What type of music do you like?" "Mostly Christian."

But she was sweet. At one point she asked, "Okay, do you know which station is getting better?"

"Better?" I said.

"Yes. Um, better."

"What do you mean, getting better? The reception? The sound? The songs? The DJs?"

"Um, I guess so."

Long pause here. Then I said, "I'm sorry, I guess I don't really understand the question."

She laughed like she was embarrassed and said "me neither".

Of course, the next question was "which station is getting worse".

She was laughing by the end, though. She played about a dozen different clips of songs and after each one asked me to tell her if I liked them. I had heard some of them before but I didn't like any of them. I just kept saying "no, no, no" after each one and she kept giggling.

Anyway, I hope I made her day less dreary. I remember having to work on Saturdays.

1 comment:

Kaits said...

What movie did you watch? You leave out these important details! =D