Friday, November 10, 2006

Heh heh. I want to say I had the most awful day ever, but God very carefully balanced the moments of anger and frustration and confusion with moments of joy and clarity and peace. If I were able to write down every event and emotion today and rate it, I'm pretty sure the strength of my happy emotions would at least cancel out the severity of my negative emotions. Energy-draining people, energy-giving people. Expecting the best and being disappointed, then expecting the worst and being surprised. The conversations and people that made this happen are private, but I just want you to know that I feel very satisfied and peaceful right now. I think I do like a day full of opposites, as long as it's under God's control. If it were all joy today I don't know if I could handle it, but I can handle a few trials mixed with a lot of happiness.

What have I been doing? Working, worship-teaming, and web-designing. I'm busy, but not too busy. I have a full plate, but not too much on it. I refuse to volunteer for anything else or get caught up in any other commitments, and that decision brings me great relief every time I say "no" to something. The only thing I could get overwhelmed by are all my personal projects (mostly writing). I told my dad yesterday, "I need two people to do all the things I want to do." I have so many ideas and they never stop.

We're going to be having a Christmas party on December 15. Email me if you want an invitation.

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